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CAREER ADVANCEMENT: Choosing the warrior within you

Very few candidates, employees or employers disagree with the statement that in today’s competitive job market and economy, it is advantageous for individuals, employees and employers to deliberately make effort to improve their job or work performance. Opinions...

Sort Out The Clutter in Your Life To Reconnect To The Abundant Universe

Today, I invite you to look at two separate but interconnected bodies. The “You” and the “rest of things“ outside you –which I am calling the “Universe.” The “You” comprises your body and your mind, thoughts, and beliefs, while the “Universe” comprises everything else...

When You Forget What Your Guardian Angel Told You!

So what happens when you forget what your guardian angel told you- your life purpose? Life's purpose is the compass that guides our direction. We know the North point to determine the South, East, or West points.  Just like success, your life purpose leaves clues in...

Discovering Life Purpose From Your Best Qualities

In Judaic tradition, a guardian angel is a type of angel that is assigned to protect and guide a particular person, group, or nation. The people have a heavenly representative who acts as an emissary between them and God. It is believed the guardian angel carries...
Hiding the Ultimate Truth

Hiding the Ultimate Truth

You can find your life purpose in helping mankind to overcome life challenges. Our Life Challenge Coaching Program is designed to provide coaching support to people facing life issues so that participants can live a productive and successful life. What we need is a ...

The Road Less Trodden: Decide and move on

The Road Less Trodden: Decide and move on

I shall be telling this with a sigh Somewhere ages and ages hence: Two roads diverged in a wood, and I— I took the one less traveled by, And that has made all the difference. Robert Frost (1874-1963) [embeddoc...

All winners have a strategy

All winners have a strategy

All winners have a strategy and are willing to be flexible on their way to success. Life has a way of throwing many different spanners into the works along the way. There is a time in life when you need a life coach. If you would like to achieve more or enhance your...

Staying Focused When You’re Working From Home

Staying Focused When You’re Working From Home

Working from home can be highly productive, but it can also go badly wrong. Without a proper office space, a prioritized schedule, and on-the-spot supervision, it's all too easy to be distracted, and to get very little done. [embeddoc...

Take The Sculpture Approach to Your Destiny

Take The Sculpture Approach to Your Destiny

You have to visualize your future wants and desires. You clarify what you truly want to do, something you want to have, and things you want to be before you die.  But you need a solid approach to succeed. You should begin working towards your destination by using the...

Assessing your life interests

Assessing your life interests

You will need to think about ways that you can improve all areas of your life, including relationships, health or fitness, finances, career, personal development, and relaxation. You clarify what you truly want to do, something you want to have, and things you want to...

Assessing your happiness in your job

Assessing your happiness in your job

If you are not learning anything new and doing the same thing all the time, you are not going to feel stimulated, and this can become very boring and depressing. It makes no difference how successful you are if you are not excited over your work anymore. You deserve...

Assessing family needs when changing careers

Your children’s self-image comes from the security that they have with the family. You will need to think about what the switch will mean for the children and for your mate. When you give your children a stable environment to come home to, they will also be more...

Assessing your abilities to get a promotion

The first thing that you need to do is to do your job well. You must take your responsibility to heart and use it to your best interest. Make sure that those above you know that you are an excellent choice. If for some reason, you are passed over when it comes to...

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Plot 13 Kyeyune Road, P.O. Box 189, Iganga, Uganda